Monday 27 April 2009

The extremists among us

Have you noticed a recent upsurge of the fanatical streak in men and women you formerly thought were like minded individuals…you know, educated professionals, the guy you share a smile with at the office coffee machine, the gal you go to gym with….suddenly, discussions have become acrid, personal. People launch more readily into the separatist tirade you’ve so far associated with the likes of shiv sena activists/bajrang dal goons……
What’s caused the sudden paradigm shift?

I’ve always believed in the world being made up of two kinds of people…the good and the bad. There’s good and bad people in every religion, caste, creed, race. Maybe that’s very simplistic for our times…..but whats wrong with simplicity? Why complicate a society already heaving under the pressures of combining modern day living with the realities of our past?

I recently got a forwarded email from a guy I used to know in college, in support of Hindus trying to ‘uphold Hindutva’ as it were….on why its essential for Hindus to come up in arms against anyone trying to convert them to other religions and so forth. Well, the simple question here is if this guy would have cared so much if these very Hindus whose souls he’s worrying about, were starving to death. Probably not.

In my book, if you can do nothing to help the Hindu who can’t put food in his children’s mouth, cant afford medicines for his ailing wife then do not tell him what religion to follow.

I have far more common with Rehman, my old college friend than the rowdy upholder of Hindu faith that’s stomping the streets, frothing at the mouth chanting obscenities against another faith. But the dilemma of present times is, its easy to separate yourself from this ruffian….not so easy when your childhood friend, your colleague, family member begins to mouth the same spoon fed monologues…

Its easy to hate….always has been. The growing tentacles of communication media have made it easier to scaremonger…to perpetrate white lies or just colour the grey into a very deep shade of black. Who knows what the reality of the catholics of Orissa was, who got beaten up and slain by people pretending to be of my religion or that of youngsters ‘going overboard’ in aping western culture in the pubs of Bangalore who got humiliated and manhandled by upholders of our ‘ancient traditions and culture.’…but there’s a hundred and fifty different versions doing rounds of the internet and more than ever before people are openly supporting these heinous activities. That’s what’s changed. There have always been ‘gundas’….lawbreakers, in our society but to see supposedly sane individuals speaking their language is scary.

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